Friday, August 12, 2011

Find Fun Friday!

Welcome to the very first ever in the history of time, blogs, and even the Internet, Find Fun Friday on The New Adult Life! It's also the first time I'll be adding the pick of the day to a weekly! That means a good book, album, or other piece of crap dubbed by yours truly to have some value. I don't put anything up I haven't read, and I promise they're good. Book reviews will still be a weekly!

Here's the break down for a Find Fun Friday! I go on a little adventure and share it with you. I have a couple of rules. It has to have good dollar to time value. That is I won't do anything that cost more per hour than an entry level hourly job pays. So if you make $6.00 and hour then the activity should cost $6.00 or less per hour. It's a good practice. That way work equals fun. I have a little liberty with what that is since I make $12.00 an hour, but I live in a major metro and understand a lot of you are at $7.25 until your ship comes in. Keeping that resume up to date? Good. Secondly, it all has to be for folks our age. Maybe not just our age, but I am not going to send you to Chuck E. Cheese's. Even though I do love tokens. Mmm...Tokens.

This week's Friday Adventure: The World of Coca-Cola Atlanta, Georgia

Coca-Cola seems like a pretty common place thing right? Who would waste time building or even going to a museum in its honor? While those seem like valid questions, they are not. Sorry Pepsi drinkers, but Coke is something more than a Cola. First off it was the first Cola, and more importantly it's actually a cultural phenomenon. It's one of only three products I can think of off the top of my noggin that you can get anywhere they are people to buy from. The other two being gasoline and McDoubles. Go ahead and think of a major American export. You are probably thinking Coke right? Since you just read about a paragraph about Coke I am going to go with yes, but aside from that Coke is an enormous export. It's not just soda that goes out with every gallon of syrup, but also a heaping pile of American cultural dominance. Do you drink any Chinese sodas? Not yet anyway. The coke story is actually pretty interesting, and although the World of Coca-Cola has some serious problems it is still worth checking out.

Cost: This adventure will run you $16.00 even. There's no tax on that ticket because Coke owns Atlanta. Once you skip the useless crap you'll probably spend around 2.5 hours there if you know how to use a museum (Like a book, but more fun and with lots of pictures).  Since an Atlanta hourly is around $10.00 that comes in nicely within our stipulations.

Who you'll run into: A few kids with equally interested parents, international tourists, tourist in general, the cool polar bears from the old ads, and some new lame characters coke will probably shove down your throat like New Coke.

What's good: The short videos in the exhibits are excellent if you like to learn unlike the large format videos, but we'll get to that. The venue has amassed an awesome collection of items to look at from early Coke promotion materials to Brave's uniforms. Make sure to check out the story of New Coke in the Pop Culture room so you have something to impress your drinking partners with. The highlight of the event is certainly the flavor tasting room. You get to sample 64 different Coca-Cola products from around the world, and you can even get Coke. You know me, I had about 30 Diet Cokes or Coca-Cola Lights as they call them in Europe.

What's Bad: First off after being shown so cool exhibits in the dramactically named Coca-Cola loft, you'll be forced to watch a horrible musical movie about how to be a better person. Personally I thought it might be a good moment to pick up some Coke history, but whatever. They have a 4D theather during the tour also, but it suffers from the fact that there are no 3D glasses available any more. Silly 3D movies just aren't what they used to be back when places could afford to give out glasses.

Gift Shop Deal: You can get a set of 6 Diet Coke glasses for $17.00 plus tax, which isn't so bad for a gift shop. They're pretty high quality and will stand the test of time. Then again I love Diet Coke and I still passed it up. A deal in a gift shop is likely still overpriced.

Good Adventuring Explores!

Recommendation of the day: Don't you want to be able to say the book was better?

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