Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wacky Deals Wednesday!

How to save Beer Money aka:

Welcome to the very first instalment of Wacky Deals Wednesday! (Sorry that deals doesn't alliterate) Here is the basic idea: You read on Wednesday and you'll find out about a cool deal! This won't ever feature obvious stuff like Ramen, Weed, or Groupon, but it will feature one or two cool methods that I notice get you some cool cheapness going on. Different store every week, and we'll try to keep it practical people. No half off of horseback bungee jumping lessons. No wacky coats for your cats. Just small practical (sometimes almost scam like) ways to save money as an adult branching out on your own. First an easy three step "scam" and then a more, lets say honest way to save a buck!

This weeks store: Kroger! It's like Publix for normal people.

Numero Uno: If you don't have a value card, then you sir or madam are an idiot. Sorry, no way around it. If gets you great deals and has some pretty cool features to boot. Like the fact that after you spend enough you get a discount on gas at Shell, or that you can load coupons onto the card for use at the store from Just pick up a card in store and then make an account no silly paper to fool with. Save trees and money! Oh, I almost forgot the fact that it makes Kroger's goods a little better than evil seven-horned Wal-mart's prices. Check out their prices online by clicking their handy weekly ad link. I'll give you an example of some super awesome deals later on.

Numero Two (What's two in Spanish? Oh yeah! Dos!): Get some coupons. I know there are whole shows about how to get coupons and it needs more than one paragraph, but I'll write a blog later promise. Okay? Good. There are lots of online coupon websites. They almost all require an account and a download, but is safe and offers almost all the deals the other ones do. Look for coupons for further reductions on things your value card already brought down!

Phase Three: Profit. How do I profit you ask? You thought we were saving? Ha. This is the "scam" phase baby. Here's the thing, the value card is actually tracking some information about you and that has a cash value just like the coupons. Sounds like Big Brother? We'll sort of, if Big Broski only cared about your grocery shopping habits. Even the most hardcore anarchist can't have too much of a problem with that, eh? Okay now that we have settled our inner Orwelles we can move on. Here is why all of that makes you money and not just them, ready for the first cool part of this blog...are you sure? Alright, I guess.

When you return an item they give you the full retail price. For example: buy a General Electric CFL light bulb and you'll pay $2.99, but that energy saving bad boy is worth $4.50 retail! Just because Kroger couldn't rub your back enough just buying the CFL also spits out a coupon good for $1.00 off that same CFL. So return it and you'll get 4.50 back. Then if you actually want the thing (and you should) use the coupon to buy the same thing again for $1.99. That's $1.99 minus the $1.50 they paid you to return it. So, my savvy friend you just paid $0.49 for a CFL light bulb. That sucker will save you about $45 dollars in electric bills.

Good move Shopper.
Too "scam" like?

Legit deal of the Week!

Okay keep step one the same and head out to Kroger. We almost all drink soda. Oh you don't? Health freak. Kroger has an awesome deal on Coca cola products right now. I don't really care if you like Pepsi, I am from Atlanta. Alright, so 12 packs of cans are usually around $4.50. With a value card at Kroger you can get those bad boys 4 for $12 bucks. That's the good ole day's price of $0.25 a can, but wait there's more. On those same 12 packs there is a coupon to get a free 1.25 liter of any coke product for free! So rip that sucker off and head to check out. You just paid less for soda than your grandfather. For twelve bucks you've got enough to finally have some friends over for cold ones. Beer? Never heard of it. 27 Diet Cokes a day for me. Thanks.

Join me tomorrow for Home Cookin' Thursday!

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