Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 unedited.

I have to reflect on 9/11. Everyone does. I am going to skip the traditional "where were you?" story. I have a few major observations. They are popular things to say, but they are worth thinking about. We all lived this, but we've also all lived the years since.

1. People tend to make-up or blow stories out of proportion about how they would have been there if . . .
I had a dentist appointment or I was hung over and woke up late for work. I am sure these things are generally true, but it cheapens the luck of people who actually died. You are a fool if you say God protected you by some mishap of planning or luck. If you say God protected you, you claim that God let everyone else in the building die.

2. The media has edited the footage and taken away a lot of the true emotion. No one cried for days because buildings got destroyed. It was the people inside and watching people jump or be pushed by panicked crowds to their deaths. If you want what jarred people watching it live click this link.

3. A lot of people generally fake emotions. I did it, and I know I am not the only one. I didn't lose anyone on September eleventh. I don't know anyone who lost anyone well. I was thirteen. I didn't even really understand what was happening. I acted angry because my parents and adults around me did. If you lost someone or have a friend that lost someone or lived in New York. Then I fully support you valid emotion. If you have any real emotion I give you my condolences, but if you just feel obligated: quit. Don't make people actually affected seem fake because of your forced emotion.

4. We reacted with hate. Did you ever notice they knew exactly who did it during the broadcast? The governments reaction was to give us a target. Common reactions can be summed up as "kills those sons of bitches." Interesting we committed the same sinful emotions that drove us to be attack, and proceeded to launch wars. Wars that even if justifiable still killed thousands of innocents. Were we really better?

5. I am sure their attempt to recapture the plane was heroic. I am not saying they aren't heroes, but they weren't soon enough. Despite what Hollywood was employed to make us believe, George Bush even admits the military shot down Flight 93. Proof. It was a smart move. If I was President I would have ordered it. If you don't buy the website, think about this: There were no phone calls saying "We did it" or "We're going to try to land it" after the "Lets Roll" call.

I am sure a lot of you are ticked off or think I am anti-America. That's what they taught a lot of us to think. I don't care if you think that. This is how it is.

1 comment:


    How the "Historic Struggle" views 9/11 in the context of time.
