Sunday, November 27, 2011

We're Back!

I have some things to review. Restaurants, television shows, books, etc. I have everything I need to review all new video-games as well . . . You didn't know I was a nerd?! (You didn't know I made really old Youtube references!?)

I am going to be drinking my Diet Coke fo' free and reviewing some good stuff. I am saying screw the day by day format. I don't have time. Sucks I know.

Glad you're all around. Thanks for reading (Bitches)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Look Classy on the Cheap! Rent Art.

You know how easy Netflix made movies? Pick a bunch that you want to see, and they send it to your house. Now think how classy having some independent art in your house makes you look. Aren't you trendy! There is an obvious problem with this: Art is expensive. What if you could get it for $15 a month? (or scroll down for a coupon code ;)) One new  you-selected work a month, frame included, is sent directly to you. Awesome. Convinced click: here. Not yet? keep reading.

It's called TurningArt by the way, if you want to see their fancy paid for sales pitch.

Most of us live in apartments, so one piece of art would make a real difference in how cool we look. Step 1: Have a party. Step 2: Look awesome to your friends by talking Wikipedia facts about the artist. Party every month? You need new art every month . . . I've got the solution. Don't worry it's not random art. Just like Netflix you make a list of what you like, and that's what they send. Shipping included. Everything handled. Awesome.

Still not convinced? I've got a coupon code 'facebook02' will get it for you for $10 a month. Okay now click here.

Get trendy shoppers.

Home Cookin' Thursday: Super Mac N' Cheese!

We like to keep it simple here at The New Adult Life, and it doesn't get more simple than Super Mac n' Cheese. What is Super Mac n' Cheese you ask? Well, this is Home Cookin' Thursday, which means two things. 1. I will use apostrophes more liberally 2. We're going to show you.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 unedited.

I have to reflect on 9/11. Everyone does. I am going to skip the traditional "where were you?" story. I have a few major observations. They are popular things to say, but they are worth thinking about. We all lived this, but we've also all lived the years since.

1. People tend to make-up or blow stories out of proportion about how they would have been there if . . .
I had a dentist appointment or I was hung over and woke up late for work. I am sure these things are generally true, but it cheapens the luck of people who actually died. You are a fool if you say God protected you by some mishap of planning or luck. If you say God protected you, you claim that God let everyone else in the building die.

2. The media has edited the footage and taken away a lot of the true emotion. No one cried for days because buildings got destroyed. It was the people inside and watching people jump or be pushed by panicked crowds to their deaths. If you want what jarred people watching it live click this link.

3. A lot of people generally fake emotions. I did it, and I know I am not the only one. I didn't lose anyone on September eleventh. I don't know anyone who lost anyone well. I was thirteen. I didn't even really understand what was happening. I acted angry because my parents and adults around me did. If you lost someone or have a friend that lost someone or lived in New York. Then I fully support you valid emotion. If you have any real emotion I give you my condolences, but if you just feel obligated: quit. Don't make people actually affected seem fake because of your forced emotion.

4. We reacted with hate. Did you ever notice they knew exactly who did it during the broadcast? The governments reaction was to give us a target. Common reactions can be summed up as "kills those sons of bitches." Interesting we committed the same sinful emotions that drove us to be attack, and proceeded to launch wars. Wars that even if justifiable still killed thousands of innocents. Were we really better?

5. I am sure their attempt to recapture the plane was heroic. I am not saying they aren't heroes, but they weren't soon enough. Despite what Hollywood was employed to make us believe, George Bush even admits the military shot down Flight 93. Proof. It was a smart move. If I was President I would have ordered it. If you don't buy the website, think about this: There were no phone calls saying "We did it" or "We're going to try to land it" after the "Lets Roll" call.

I am sure a lot of you are ticked off or think I am anti-America. That's what they taught a lot of us to think. I don't care if you think that. This is how it is.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Top Five Apartment Dogs for Men

A real man has a dog. There is no question about that, but some of us live in apartments. There is no room for a righteous Great Dane or a loyal German Shepard. There are, however, so excellent options.

Most dogs that are suitable for an Apartment are classified as Small or Toy (extra-small). A lot of them seem a little bit sissy, and the truth is they are. So, which breeds can save you space and man-points. My entire existence in your life is to give you the top five.

Blast from the Past! Rugged.

Remember Cartoon Cartoons? You know on Cartoon Network. Let me refresh your memory. It was a show that featured three short cartoons. Many of these Cartoon were just awesome enough to get their own full length version. Remember now? Really, still? Okay, Johnny Bravo was one (thought that might work.)

I have a favorite Cartoon Cartoon spinoff character, but I have to confess he is kind of obscure . . .


You don't remember him either well maybe this refresh your memory. That sucker was ate up.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Take a Look Tuesday! The Historic Struggle

I have a friend named Rob who loves the Civil War. Yep, the bloodiest conflict in American History is basically his girlfriend. I know it's not every one's cup of tea, but his blog is also an excellent example of what you can pull off on blogger. I even take some tips from him on that front. Want a good read or just a good example? Check it out as I break it down bellow:

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Labor Day! Let's All Have Babies! (A History of Labor Day)

Today is every one's favorite Holiday! Not because you get some candy, cards, or a visit from Santa, but because you get a day off. One day off. What makes this day off so much better than that sick day you took in March?  Why no white after Labor Day? Here's the answer:

Government: Using Zombies to keep us safe.

So, the government has had a long running campaign to get us to make disaster readiness kits. Especially after nine-eleven, Hurricane Katrina, or anything else disastrous and political.

What was their most effective program at getting us to put canned food and water in a box? Well, it's a little ridiculous:

The Center for Disease Control made a blog entry encouraging people to prepare for a Zombie Invasion. Now, they weren't serious. Although I know a few guys who would say they were, but the blog did ask people to make Zombie kits. Kits which included everything a hurricane, flood, or tornado kit would have in it.

Thanks to Zombies we are all a little safer. Thanks pop culture.

As always, here's the proof: CDC Zombie Plan

Suggestions for blurbs? I need ridiculous websites. E-mail Me

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Smackdown Saturday: Buying a Dog Pet Store v. Craigslist

Alright so this is a little unconventional for Smack Down, but hey there has only been one other Smack Down so I guess not...

Because I live all alone in a one bedroom apartment I so times feel a little lonely. The house always seems so empty and quiet. One day I was sitting back taking in the lonesome when I decided on the perfect noisy annoying purchase I could make to fix my problem: a new puppy.

My first recourse as a 23 year old was to go check out Craigslist, but due to circumstances out of my control I ended up Purchasing from Petland (read on if you think I was fooled into buying from a puppy mill...if you are a hippie and know what that is...or you know, informed.)

That's me your Editor and Chief and my new pup: Wonton

Friday, September 2, 2011

The New Adult Life is returning soon! After our cool and fairly well recieved trial run we are making so tweaks and getting back as soon as possible. Here are some new features you can expect:

1. Weeklies will now rotate. 2 weeklies a week will be left out. Sorry, but life is busy. We will use half of the extra time to give you even better content, and we'll use the other half to sit on our tails.

2. Mobile Phone intergration. The site is now optimized for your mobile phone browser. An app is in the works.

3. A twitter account! We are going to start some twitter promotion when we gear back up! Follow us now @TheNewAdultLife live now!

4. Blurbs are back now! (I mean this is one for goodness sake)

We'll be back as soon as Alpha approves our content! Welcome back!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Priorities aka Why I am taking a vacation. Ha. Vacation.

The New Adult Life will be down for a few days as I start school and my new job. Gotta keep my head in the game sucka.



Thursday, August 18, 2011

Fun Times Friday: Internet Archaeology

We have dug into the ground for years, and we have learned about our pasts. We have been kicking dirt on top of new artifacts for year. This blog will one day be one of those artifacts, ande since the days of geocities we have been burying little pieces of ourselves on the internet.

This weeks Friday is an activity, and that activity is Internet Archaeology or E-Archaeology as I like to call it. I'd actually like to just call it Archaeology, but someone beat me to it.Here's the website. Dig it.

It is a pretty simple concept and I am pumped to walk you through it. Ready to find that old Pokemon fan site you made? Come on, you know you are.

Mitt Romney is a Tool

Mitt Romney is a tool. So is that chick that tied Ron Paul at the straw poll.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Home Cookin Thursday! 1:2

There is something we all need to know how to do. It makes us look awesome, manly, and brave(Or awesome, feminine, and cunning). That one thing is how to prepare so juicy red meat on a bun.

This week on Home Cookin Thursday: No Grill Bacon Double-Burgers


Wacky Deal Wednesday! 1:2

Credit cards. You can't live with them, and you can probably live without them. Why hasn't Tyler Durden blown up those buildings yet? We all usually get royally screw by these pieces of plastic, but there is a way my friends to turn those screw drivers around.

2010 President Abraham Lincoln
"Screw the Debt Companies" -Lincoln 1347 Gettysburg

This weeks "scam": Making money on credit cards.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Flash Reviews!

Reviews in a flash! Flash Reviews!

Content under review:
The Help (Movie)
"Finally a civil rights movie for White Women!"

3/5 Stars in the night sky.

Demographic in theater: 98.5% Middle Aged White Women; 0.5% Black Women; 1% Me feeling awkward

(That's half a black woman.)

Silly Surfing!

To paraphrase a friend:

This ish is absurd. Actually it's Boohbahs.


Hope you enjoy. If you find out how these fat idiots teach kids about exercise leave a comment below.

See if you can fill the glass windows with Asian chicks. Go ahead. I dare you.

Take a Look Tuesday!

It's Tuesday. I will tell you to look at something. A blog, a website, an album, a song, heck even a book sometimes. Today is also the day I hitup a more let's say commercial writing style. Why you ask? Because that really means easy to read, and do any of you even care if this paragraph en...

There is a nice website called Bleacher Report. Like a report from those who are in the bleachers, rather than a fancy skybox with fresh salad and porthouse steak. Think of it as blogger, but its about sports and a lot of them actaully know how to write? Cool right?! I think so.

My friend Paul Tucker is an excellent sports writer who focuses mostly on Florida State. Why? He's a fan, damnit. Paul like any good Florida State fan knows they are sick of winning any football games and tired of losing at basket ball, so they are thinking about jumping to the notoriously steroided SEC. (Okay all of them are steroided. It's called D-I. 300 pound guy running a 4.7 naturally? ha.)

My point is the website as a whole is full of quality Newspaper-blog-hybrid-wiki sports stories. Check out P. Tucker's nice job with this article, and take a look at a well done website. Go ahead search your favorite team. Don't have one? Okay well your new favorites are the Cincinnati Bengals. Plenty to read. Police reports too. Who-Dey!

Check out Paul's story and the website here:

Thanks for joining me for Take a Look Tuesday and the new quippier format.

Good reading Lookers.

Recommendation of the Day: Daniel Craig will be killing this bad boy in theathers soon. Read it first.
Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy Deluxe Boxed Set: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, Plus On Stieg Larsson

Monday, August 15, 2011

Inappropriate Children.

I work with children. They say enormously inappropriate things. These things are often hilarious. These things are now a blurb alla Kids say the Darnedest Things. It's called Inappropriate children. (How did darnedest make it past Webster?) I will break formal sentence structure sometime, how about now? Cool.

A 5 year old speaking to his mother concerning the Sugarland stage collaspe:

"Are those people stuck to the bottom of the stage like glue?"

Corporal Punishment rating: 2 swings with an open hand.

Don't get it? Get in the loop: Sugarland sings "Stuck like Glue" and

Reminder from Mom Monday!

It's like you're Mom looking over your shoulder, but without the creepy overlord vibe. Oh, and it's written by a 23 year old man. So maybe a little creepy.

Welcome to the first ever Reminder from Mom Monday or as we like to call it Momday. No forget that momday sounds ridiculous. We all know we didn't leave the nest with all the life skills we needed. Our car broke down we called Daddy and if our sheets needed to be washed Mom was on speeddial. You did that yourself? Well...see you tomorrow I guess. No I am kidding. How do you think your parents learn all that neat how to live life stuff? The horrible truth is their parents threw them to the sharks. That's right, your sweet loving Grandmother kicked your Dad out without a basic life education. Or maybe they were good parents and taught them everything, but I doubt it. So what did you expect your parents to do give you a manual? You did? Well I guess we can write one for you. We'll call it Reminder from Mom Monday.

This week's Reminder from Mom: Shave everyday. Why you ask? Beards are awesome you say? Read on to find out.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

It's Sunday

I take the day off on Sunday, but that doesn't mean I don't write anything. I do this because I enjoy it. Trust me. The money isn't great. Ask my two other jobs. So click those ads people! Help a fellow N.A. out. Sometimes I'll write something I enjoy here, but mostly I'll just give you a preview.

Monday: A brand new weekly called "Reminders from Mom Monday" is coming up. I neglected to learn a lot of basic skills growing up since our parents are do everything baby-boomers. This is probably the shortest weekly, and it will feature some basic household and money management tips. Get ready, remembering to change your air-filter will be a blast!

Tuesday: I don't have a good name for Tuesday yet, but I'll be reviewing media in some fashion. This week a friend of mine's blog.
Wacky Deals Wednesday: Learn how to use a credit card to do more than build credit. I can show you how to make money on those suckers. It's awesome. You can rake in around 2,000 dollars a year if you do it correctly.

Home Cookin' Thursday: Make the best burgers you've every had with out a grill. Ready to best the old man? Impress a young lady with you ability to make burgers that will shatter her memory of family cook-outs? This is the burger for you. Just takes a frying pan and a little bad-assery. Oh, and some vegetables.

Fun Times Friday: This week I am going to explore a fun way to see a movie and eat the same time! Beer included! I'll let you in on several chains that make it happen and review one location near me. Some of you can even find one I am sure.

Smack Down Saturday: Join us for the epic battle of Chic-fil-a vs Zaxby's. A up and comer against the giant who's going to win?!

Recommendation of the Day: For those who thought Fight Club was too mainstream.


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Smackdown Saturday!

It's like professional wrestling for major retail chains...

Smackdown Saturday is easy to understand...for most people. I am going to compare two very similar businesses. How similar you ask? Yankees and Patriots similar. Richard Pyror and Mitch Hedberg similar. See what I'm saying? Well, like I said "most people". Like all of the weeklies there are some simple rules. One, I have to have been to both places at least three times and sampled a variety of their products. Secondly, I will tell you some strong and weak points of each. Last but not least, they have to be almost lawsuit worthy similar. I'll let you know which one is worth your time and New Adult budget. Want to hear my qualifications? Well, I can cook, eat, and go places. Also I am a jackass which is basically like having a PhD. in everything. Some of the chains won't be everywhere, so I will make liberal comparisons with national brands.

This week on Smackdown Saturday:


File:Pinkberry logo.svg

Friday, August 12, 2011

Find Fun Friday!

Welcome to the very first ever in the history of time, blogs, and even the Internet, Find Fun Friday on The New Adult Life! It's also the first time I'll be adding the pick of the day to a weekly! That means a good book, album, or other piece of crap dubbed by yours truly to have some value. I don't put anything up I haven't read, and I promise they're good. Book reviews will still be a weekly!

Here's the break down for a Find Fun Friday! I go on a little adventure and share it with you. I have a couple of rules. It has to have good dollar to time value. That is I won't do anything that cost more per hour than an entry level hourly job pays. So if you make $6.00 and hour then the activity should cost $6.00 or less per hour. It's a good practice. That way work equals fun. I have a little liberty with what that is since I make $12.00 an hour, but I live in a major metro and understand a lot of you are at $7.25 until your ship comes in. Keeping that resume up to date? Good. Secondly, it all has to be for folks our age. Maybe not just our age, but I am not going to send you to Chuck E. Cheese's. Even though I do love tokens. Mmm...Tokens.

This week's Friday Adventure: The World of Coca-Cola Atlanta, Georgia

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Blast from the Past! HO!

So if you grew up when I grew up, which you did if you're in anyway a member of the target market for this site then you probably remember a show called He-Man or one of the hundreds of it's knock-offs. Well I had a favorite He-man knock off and that ish was called Thunder Cats. Guess what? The good folks at Turner Broadcasting are bringing it back. Tomorrow night at 8:00pm (That's August 12th) a remake of Thunder Cats premeires on Cartoon Network. Yep, that piece of crap you had to sit through to watch Dragon Ball Z is back. SNARF!!
The remake is done by the same guys that did Ben-Ten and Batman: The Brave and the Bold, which were both okay... To spice it up the guy behind Avatar: The Last Airbender may help step it up. Modern animation does mean the Thunderians have picked up a brand  attempt at retro of a new look. Check it out:

Is it worth the Money?

Ridiculous Classified Ad Exerpt:

"East Tennessee is a lively region of about 1 million people that features the nation's most visited national park, snake handlers, and abundant government corruption and incompetence. We helped build the A-bomb and gave birth to Dolly Parton and Chet Atkins."

Snakes, corruption, dental, and enormous breasts explosions? Sign me up.

Want Proof?

Proof. Because this is obviously serious journalism here at The New Adult Life. Who the heck is Chet Atkins...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Home Cookin Thursday!

It's where Spring Break meets the Kitchen!

Welcome to Home Cookin' Thursday! We've all settled into our first homes, why not start saving some cash buy home cooking! You are a fool with a frying pan? A knave with the knifes? Well, don't worry. We can fix that, and in fact it is the whole point of this segement of the New Adult Life! We make it easy, tasty, and sometimes we care enough to make it cheap. Every week we'll give you a recipe straight from bachelor's oven. Sometimes Semi-homemade, and others a little more difficult. After all your Adults now right? This week though we're going to focus on building your Kitchen Confidence TM. A fancy easy recipe to impress the opposite gender. Guys get ready to wow the chicks. Ladies prepare to convince your boyfriend you can actually cook, and cook well even.

This weeks Semi-Homemade recipe:

Wacky Deals Wednesday!

How to save Beer Money aka:

Welcome to the very first instalment of Wacky Deals Wednesday! (Sorry that deals doesn't alliterate) Here is the basic idea: You read on Wednesday and you'll find out about a cool deal! This won't ever feature obvious stuff like Ramen, Weed, or Groupon, but it will feature one or two cool methods that I notice get you some cool cheapness going on. Different store every week, and we'll try to keep it practical people. No half off of horseback bungee jumping lessons. No wacky coats for your cats. Just small practical (sometimes almost scam like) ways to save money as an adult branching out on your own. First an easy three step "scam" and then a more, lets say honest way to save a buck!

This weeks store: Kroger! It's like Publix for normal people.

Numero Uno: If you don't have a value card, then you sir or madam are an idiot. Sorry, no way around it. If gets you great deals and has some pretty cool features to boot. Like the fact that after you spend enough you get a discount on gas at Shell, or that you can load coupons onto the card for use at the store from Just pick up a card in store and then make an account no silly paper to fool with. Save trees and money! Oh, I almost forgot the fact that it makes Kroger's goods a little better than evil seven-horned Wal-mart's prices. Check out their prices online by clicking their handy weekly ad link. I'll give you an example of some super awesome deals later on.

Numero Two (What's two in Spanish? Oh yeah! Dos!): Get some coupons. I know there are whole shows about how to get coupons and it needs more than one paragraph, but I'll write a blog later promise. Okay? Good. There are lots of online coupon websites. They almost all require an account and a download, but is safe and offers almost all the deals the other ones do. Look for coupons for further reductions on things your value card already brought down!

Phase Three: Profit. How do I profit you ask? You thought we were saving? Ha. This is the "scam" phase baby. Here's the thing, the value card is actually tracking some information about you and that has a cash value just like the coupons. Sounds like Big Brother? We'll sort of, if Big Broski only cared about your grocery shopping habits. Even the most hardcore anarchist can't have too much of a problem with that, eh? Okay now that we have settled our inner Orwelles we can move on. Here is why all of that makes you money and not just them, ready for the first cool part of this blog...are you sure? Alright, I guess.

When you return an item they give you the full retail price. For example: buy a General Electric CFL light bulb and you'll pay $2.99, but that energy saving bad boy is worth $4.50 retail! Just because Kroger couldn't rub your back enough just buying the CFL also spits out a coupon good for $1.00 off that same CFL. So return it and you'll get 4.50 back. Then if you actually want the thing (and you should) use the coupon to buy the same thing again for $1.99. That's $1.99 minus the $1.50 they paid you to return it. So, my savvy friend you just paid $0.49 for a CFL light bulb. That sucker will save you about $45 dollars in electric bills.

Good move Shopper.
Too "scam" like?

Legit deal of the Week!

Okay keep step one the same and head out to Kroger. We almost all drink soda. Oh you don't? Health freak. Kroger has an awesome deal on Coca cola products right now. I don't really care if you like Pepsi, I am from Atlanta. Alright, so 12 packs of cans are usually around $4.50. With a value card at Kroger you can get those bad boys 4 for $12 bucks. That's the good ole day's price of $0.25 a can, but wait there's more. On those same 12 packs there is a coupon to get a free 1.25 liter of any coke product for free! So rip that sucker off and head to check out. You just paid less for soda than your grandfather. For twelve bucks you've got enough to finally have some friends over for cold ones. Beer? Never heard of it. 27 Diet Cokes a day for me. Thanks.

Join me tomorrow for Home Cookin' Thursday!